How SMART are you?? (Comments OK)


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Well-known member
May 17, 2021
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Indianapolis, USA
Hey guys! So if you saw in the mail thread, I got the Smart today! I also got a few other things I'm not going to run (at least not right away), but I'm also running 6 other things because I'm crazy like that. Anyway, I want to log my time with the Smart!!


Here's a pic of my Tama Mail if you haven't seen it in the other thread :p I got the Sanrio Smart. It comes with a Sanrio characters TamaSma card, but I decided not to use it for now, as I want to see what the 'base' characters are like.

I made an unboxing and initial gameplay video, which I'll upload later, so I don't have photos of the beginning. When you start, you put in your name and birthday and of course set the clock. Then an egg rolls around and hatches after about a minute.


Here's what mine hatched into! Puchikotchi! Apparently there are only two possible babies, her and her male counterpart Puchiotchi.

I'm going to name her Denise.

The baby phase was kind of boring and annoying. The hunger meter drained FAST and there was nothing to do but feed it. And navigating the menus is kinda clunky NGL. But I thought the same about the Pix at first, but now they seem fine now that I'm used to them, so maybe I'll get used to these, too.

At first you can only feed them milk and biscuits (cookies).

Like most baby Tamagotchis, they will do things like sleep, poop, and get sick so you can get used to taking care of them.

If you catch them about to poop and press the toilet button, they'll run to the toilet and go in there. Otherwise they go on the floor and you have to clean it up. A disembodied hand carrying a broom sweeps it away.


This is what she looks like sleeping. TBH I found this a little disappointing. The Pix has its own bedroom with a unique sleeping sprite. This is just the normal sprite with a pillow behind it and a blanket obscuring it. Not nearly as interesting.

But it's still cute :) Maybe the older ones will have better sleeping sprites?


I took a really fast shower because I thought she was going to evolve while I was in there, but she did not. The evolution animation kinda looks like an explosion. I didn't get to capture it on camera. WIth the Pix it's a little easier to get a pic because they give you a little time to get ready since you can take pics in-game. And then if you don't get your camera out, you can just take a pic with the Pix itself. But this one is not built for taking pictures, so it just GOES.

This little one's name is Chamekotchi. I like that she looks like a gumdrop but I don't like the bow on her head. I want to be able to dress them up myself; I don't like when the creature's design already has accessories and clothing. Plus I like when they look more like weird alien things which wouldn't have cute accessories to begin with :p

The house is very plain looking; it's all white. I don't know if we get the option to decorate it later. I sure hope so. I haven't explored all the game functions, yet, though, as you're locked out of some of them as a baby and she evolved while I was eating, and then I did a livestream after I ate, and just now sat down to write this.

So let's explore the options now! (I just tried pushing the top in to activate it as if it were the Pix... oops XD)

While I was uploading pics, she went to sleep at 7:30!! This is the first time I've ever seen a Tama go to sleep on anything other than on the hour???? Very interesting!!! LOL the things that surprise us as Tama caretakers XD

Anyway, when she went to bed, she looked worried (I was making coffee so I didn't get to see what she said, but there was some dialogue on the screen right before I picked it up). I wasn't sure what to do, so I pressed the Menu button which just brought up the menu (and almost everything was unselectable except to see status and settings). So I tried pressing on her and she got close up. So I tried swiping around on the screen to pet. Now, I was trying to pet in my unboxing video and could NOT get it to work. I somehow managed to pet her this time, and it seemed to make her happy, but then she got sad again D: So I kept it up and kinda got better at petting... only took me like 9 tries instead of 25 lmfao. Once I petted her 3 times she calmed down and fell asleep. Having to put them asleep by calming them down was a great and cute idea IMO!!

But yeah, let's get back to what you can do with the TamaSma!


There are two pages to the main menu. The first one is your basic care stuff -- the heart and gear goes to a page where you can choose to see your status or change settings. The house with a + on it is used when your Tama is sick. The fork and knife are for feeding, and the showerhead is for using the toilet or taking a shower.


The second page has more interesting stuff -- the cabinet icon houses all your items (which are separated into dougu, accessorie, and treasures. Dougu generally means like "utensils" or "tools" but in this case it's various things you can play with, as it has a wider range of uses than those . I don't know what to translate it to here... maybe toys? Anyway, I'm not sure what "treasures" are but I hope they're decorations for the room.

The "App" icon allows you to use a few different applications -- there's a food delivery app, a shopping app, a hookup app, and a camera app. Food and shopping are where you can buy items and food, as well as redecorate your house (yay!), the hookup app is for getting married when your Tama is old enough, and the camera app lets you stage a little printclub-like photo with your Tamagotchi by adding a border and sticker to a close-up of them.

The door icon allows you to go outside. You can choose to go to work or go to the park.

And the last icon is for interdevice communications. Er, I assume. I've never touched it and haven't read the manual fully yet LOL

So let's explore some of these activities!! ... In the next post, because I hit the character limit...

First there is "TamaWorK," where you can go to work to get Gotchi Points! The building is very cute.


Inside you meet the uh, worker guy. I don't know anyone's names and there's no notebook album like on the Pix so I have no idea what to call these Tamas.

Anyway, he introduces you to TamaWork and allows you to select a job! These are minigames that give you Gotchi Points after you play. I've gotten three different ratings, one for a perfect game that gives 300GP, one for an OK job that gives 200GP, and one for a not-so-great job that gives 150GP. There's probably an even lower rating if you do poorly, but I think I did OK at least at all the games.


The first job you can do is a drink-serving game where a Tama will order a drink from you, and you have to make the drink with all four ingredients that they ask for. This guy wanted a grape shake with gelato, jimmies, and a churro on top. Very strange, but the customer is always right!! When you make it correctly they say thanks, and if you mess up they tell you it was a little off. I've only made one mistake so far, so IDK what happens if you mess up more than one ingredient. I like this game because I like simple memory games and even though the combinations of ingredients are weird, I love shakes and drinks so it makes me want them LOL


The second game is a dancing game where you wear the device on your wrist and copy the dance move shown on the screen. I didn't really understand how to win as I wasn't wearing it (I took it off the wristband) and was just waving it around. I only got 150GP for that one lol. So I'm not going to be playing that job very much...


The next job is a food delivery job. You wear a little helmet and ride a delivery scooter, and you have to tap the lanes to avoid obstacles. I hit two things and I think I got 200GP? I think it also sped up near the end but I couldn't tell for sure. It was kinda fun but you don't have a ton of time to react to the obstacles because the screen is so small and it made me anxious lol.


The last job is pet grooming. A Tama pet will appear and you have to shake the device to wash the pet.


Here's what it looks like when you're done :)

I guess it's fun, but it's just shaking the device, so I probably will stick to the drink memory game for my jobs.

I have no idea if the jobs increase the Tama's fondness for you, but there were no other games to play with your Tama, so... it's either that or their fondness ONLY raises through snacks...


You can also go to the park from the door icon. It seems to function just like the park in the Pix; you go and a random Tama shows up and talks to you. I was too busy taking photos and already forgot what this guy said to me.


So after playing around with jobs and the park, I went and got a remodel on my house. Changing to a blue or pink house is free! But there are other themes that cost Gotchi Points. TBH they all looked kinda plain... the designs in the Pix are a little more detailed and interesting IMO. This one is always just a wall with seating on the left and a window on the right, with a big carpet in front. Some of them looked a little more interesting than the others, though, so I'll be trying those out once I win more Gotchi Points from serving tons of drinks.


After remodelling, I ordered a barbecue kabob from the food delivery app. The little food container it comes in is so cute!


And then I took a photo with the camera app. The little sticker is the guy I served a drink to!!


Lastly, I wanted to show off that the kitchen is its own room in the house. It's yellow-themed, and they sit at a big dining table to eat. Here she is eating a piece of candy, but only the wrapper is left. She like swats at the food as she eats it -- very weird.

And that's it for my adventures with the Tamagotchi Smart for today :D I'm looking forward to playing more with it tomorrow. Sadly Scotia (the Tama on my Pix Party) went to sleep as I was typing this all up, so I can't go play with her now D: I wanted to get in a few more games of Coffee Cup today XD

Hope you had fun reading ^^

So today I experimented a little with buying items for Denise.

First I got these light pen things. Another Tama showed up and surprised her...


And he split into 5 different little guys and they did a dance! Our own little Tama Rave lmao.


Then I bought the Tennis Racket, which allowed Denise to do some target practice with tennis balls.


But her last one missed and flew off the screen, bumping this guy in the head...


Then we went to the park where it was raining, and we met this ugly thing. I think this is actually one of the characters you can get in the Pix :\ I'm not too fond of the design. He's saying "Get the information from Smaspitchi, then definitely..." something :) I was too busy taking photos to read what he said... something about events.


Then I played the drink minigame over and over to make more money, and afterward, Denise's fondness seemed to be max, so I guess child labor makes them love you. Now when she is standing around, hearts pop out...


And she blushes!!

I then went on to buy one of every toy in the shopping app (it seems to be different from yesterday, with some of the items being the same), and a few accessories (two cowboy hats, and a crown. They were expensive. Cowboy hats were 700 each, and the crown was 1000! That's a lotta gotchi points!)

I bought two cowboy hats because they were really cute and according to the manual, accessories have limited uses to them?! And I'm not sure how easy it will be to find cowboy hats again, so I wanted to get an extra one.

I'm going to go try putting one on Denise right now. I don't know if child characters can wear accessories or not... let's see...


It worked! It covers up the bow that I'm not fond of, and it's actually kinda cute sticking out of the cowboy hat like that. It looks like someone tied a ribbon to the back of the hat or something.

I'm also a little disappointed that she just stands in the corner and does nothing. I like how they walk around the room on the Pix.

Playing with my Pix today I was delighted at how many little things I could do. Exploring, cooking, watering the garden, playing minigames (which are different each day), the lucky draw, etc. Then I was kinda disappointed that there was nothing new to see on the Smart other than a slightly changed catalogue of items in the store. More making drinks, making drinks, making drinks. I like the drink game so I'm not bored of it yet, just it leaves me wanting more out of the device. It doesn't help that Haretchi is much cuter than Chamekotchi either :p Here's hoping this little girl grows into something cute. I'm hoping she evolves later today, spending just 24 hours in the child phase.

I'm not spoiling myself on what kinds of characters I can get (I've seen some, and looked at the list long ago, but I don't really remember the list very well and have no idea who is good care, bad care, etc. and definitely don't remember the teens. I only looked at the list to see what possible babies there were but didn't continue on to see the rest of the list.)

For those of you who have a Smart and a Pix, which do you like more and why? I'm curious to know :)

So today I experimented a little with buying items for Denise.

First I got these light pen things. Another Tama showed up and surprised her...


And he split into 5 different little guys and they did a dance! Our own little Tama Rave lmao.


Then I bought the Tennis Racket, which allowed Denise to do some target practice with tennis balls.


But her last one missed and flew off the screen, bumping this guy in the head...


Then we went to the park where it was raining, and we met this ugly thing. I think this is actually one of the characters you can get in the Pix :\ I'm not too fond of the design. He's saying "Get the information from Smaspitchi, then definitely..." something :) I was too busy taking photos to read what he said... something about events.


Then I played the drink minigame over and over to make more money, and afterward, Denise's fondness seemed to be max, so I guess child labor makes them love you. Now when she is standing around, hearts pop out...


And she blushes!!

I then went on to buy one of every toy in the shopping app (it seems to be different from yesterday, with some of the items being the same), and a few accessories (two cowboy hats, and a crown. They were expensive. Cowboy hats were 700 each, and the crown was 1000! That's a lotta gotchi points!)

I bought two cowboy hats because they were really cute and according to the manual, accessories have limited uses to them?! And I'm not sure how easy it will be to find cowboy hats again, so I wanted to get an extra one.

I'm going to go try putting one on Denise right now. I don't know if child characters can wear accessories or not... let's see...


It worked! It covers up the bow that I'm not fond of, and it's actually kinda cute sticking out of the cowboy hat like that. It looks like someone tied a ribbon to the back of the hat or something.

I'm also a little disappointed that she just stands in the corner and does nothing. I like how they walk around the room on the Pix.

Playing with my Pix today I was delighted at how many little things I could do. Exploring, cooking, watering the garden, playing minigames (which are different each day), the lucky draw, etc. Then I was kinda disappointed that there was nothing new to see on the Smart other than a slightly changed catalogue of items in thedohere a

store. More making drinks, making drinks, making drinks. I like the drink game so I'm not bored of it yet, just it leaves me wanting more out of the device. It doesn't help that Haretchi is much cuter than Chamekotchi either :p Here's hoping this little girl grows into something cute. I'm hoping she evolves later today, spending just 24 hours in the child phase.

I'm not spoiling myself on what kinds of characters I can get (I've seen some, and looked at the list long ago, but I don't really remember the list very well and have no idea who is good care, bad care, etc. and definitely don't remember the teens. I only looked at the list to see what possible babies there were but didn't continue on to see the rest of the list.)

For those of you who have a Smart and a Pix, which do you like more and why? I'm curious to know :)

I'm actually taking care of a P1 and P2 right now! My goal is just to see how long they can stay alive, so hopefully I'll have them for a month :) They're 5 years old right now.
Cool, Ginjirotchi is a fun one ^^ I accidentally fed Blaise (the P2) a snack so I'm hoping he can still evolve into Mimitchi.


Denise evolved today while I was washing dishes. I can't stand the look of this character. The stark white with pure bold red is so ugly. When she gets happy the red dots on her cheeks turn to hearts lol. Kinda funny/cute I guess. But overall I am very unhappy with my evolution. I miss my bow gumdrop now :(
So today I discovered something new! Before, I had swiped to change to a clock, and I was trying to do that again when I accidentally switch to...


A patio! Denise actually walks around on this screen instead of just standing in the bottom right corner. But that's about it. I tried swiping again but it was a no-go. A shame there isn't something like the garden in the Pix. I wonder if this patio holds any secrets or if it's just... there to be there. I'll keep checking up on it now and then to see if anything changes.

Then when I did swipe to the clock, I remembered seeing in the manual you could change the look of the clock by swiping. So I tried swiping up and down and it worked!


This is the default clock. There's those little guys again. I wonder why he is everywhere? LOL

Anyway, I really like this design. It's very modern and simple and clean (is the way that you're making me feeeeeeeel tonight~... er... aherm... nevermind)

There's also a pink and green variant of that screen. I thought of changing it to the pink because my room is pink and the device is pink, but... I really like the look of the greyscale one.


Then there is this one, which comes in 3 color schemes as well. It has a heart meter that says 58 by it. Not sure what that means. This one is pretty cool, too, I love the big numbers and that they're stacked instead of horizontal. But of the three color schemes for this style, none of them clicked with me as well as that greyscale one from the beginning.


Then the last design was this, which also came in three variants. I'm not a big fan of analog clocks or gradients, so this was a no for me. Also it has the 58 heart scale thing too??? I feel like I'm "missing out" on something because my little default design doesn't have that... But I have no idea what it means, so oh well :) Maybe it's how many natsuki points I've acquired over the course of my Tama's life or something??


Also, Denise sleeps in the hat :p

Today she asked to be petted before sleep again, which was so cute.

I actually spent 30 minutes just spamming the drink game to farm gotchi points. I like repetitive stuff and I was taking some time to chill lying down on the couch and it was a nice way to keep my fingers and mind busy so I didn't accidentally fall asleep lol. First I played with Scotia (my Pix) but she went to sleep at 8PM, so I switched over to playing with Denise and made a bunch of drinks. It made me want to try one of the drinks though T_T

I think if I were to order one of the drinks I would get the mint shake, soft cream, jimmies, and... maybe a churro or macarons. Or maybe even just a cherry. I'm not sure about the final topping. I actually love those lollipops but I don't think a lolli really goes with a shake like that, you kinda have to eat it completely separately over time.

But I'd also like to try the grape shake. But nothing seems to go with it. I guess gelato, strawberry sauce, and a cherry...? o_O everything sounds odd with the grape shake.

Banana Shake - Whipped Cream - Caramel Sauce - Churro sounds really good too :)

Maybe I played too much of this minigame... lol.

Anyway, I have over 18,000 gotchi points now! And previously I bought one of everything in the shops for today (and a second cowboy hat), so I have a lot left over for tomorrow to buy stuff again. I think I'm going to wait until Denise grows into an adult to change the room design again, and I'll choose something fitting to her final form.

Honestly if it wasn't for the drink minigame I probably would be really disappointed with the Smart. Drink game is its saving grace XD I also think I would have loved the Smart if I had played it BEFORE the Pix. The Pix kinda spoiled me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying it a lot. I mean, it's a Tamagotchi after all. But it's just less than what I was expecting. But still good :)

Today Denise evolved into Milktchi. The colors are still so off-putting to me XD I was worried I'd get this one after the teen stage looked so similar... Though this is a little cuter than the teen.

Tomorrow I'm going to experiment with the different play items and foods to see if I can find some she likes, so hopefully I'll have more to show off. I feel like other than animations for toys I've shown off everything the Smart has to offer already :\

Does anyone know exactly how you get the Natsuki Icons??? I want to make sure I get Milktchi's :)


And in news about Maynard and Blaise, they evolved into Mametchi and Mimitchi! I forgot how cute these two were on the original P1/P2 sprites. I'm so used to seeing their new forms recently. Mimitchi's new form is not so cute, and Mametchi's is cute but way cuter on the P1. Mimitchi is super cute on the P2, I love watching him eat XD
Congratulations on that!
Thanks ^^


I tried playing with every toy I had today -- which had been every toy available in the shop the past few days.


First up we have the ball. This is the basic toy that you get for free; it has unlimited uses and will never break! Denise and I threw it back and forth (it came close to the screen and sat there for a second to simulate the ball being tossed to me, very cute) and on the last toss she did a flip and caught it while upside down!


Next is the hula-hoop. Denise spun it a little bit and then it send her twirling around the room. A very short animation.


Now is the karaoke mic. It stood next to Denise and some music notes came out. That's it. :\


Next up is the party poppers. Denise set off three of them. The first one had confetti and ribbons. The second one had a rose. And then the last one -- which took a few tries to pop and surprised her -- had doves fly out! I tried to catch the final one on camera but I snapped too late and just got a black screen.


Using the trampoline, Denise bounced a couple times -- once up above the clouds!


Then we used the cross-country bicycle, which Denise like... stood on the seat as it wheeled around. She dreamed of the mountains while biking in the rain.


I tried the pen lights again and they were the same animation as before. I mean, I wasn't expecting anything else, but was worth a try XD Plus I wanted to see if Denise liked them.


The cookie cutters cut some dough, and then suddenly there's a bag of cookies in the middle of the floor. That's it :,)


Similarly, some fruits float above the smoothie blender, and then a smoothie appears.


This wasn't the first favorited item I found, but I uploaded them out of order XD Here we have the hand fan! It sat on the side of the room and blew air at Denise. That's all, really, but she loved it!


The candy machine popped out three candies at a time, and Denise... ate them? They just kind of disappeared after she caught them. And then on the last go, it shot out nine candies! She caught and ate(?) them all!


With the fluffy sofa, Denise dreamed of floating in the sky.


The facial pack was another favorite item. Surprisingly, instead of using it on herself, the little Tama buddy (need to learn his name lol) appeared and Denise put the facial pack on him. I guess they didn't want to try animating the facial pack for every possible Tama character.


With the sewing kit, Denise made two plushies and showed them off.


When we pulled the Dancing Ribbon out, Denise just tossed it in the air a couple times. It didn't animate, so it looked really awkward.


And lastly we have the selfie stick. Denise took two photos, then the last one wouldn't go, so she pulled the camera close and got a photo of her frowning up-close when it finally went off. It showed the three dining-room photos afterward. This was another favorite of hers :)

So I've found three Milktchi favorite items: Selfie Stick, Hand Fan, and Facial Pack. If you play with a favorite item, a little jingle plays and hearts fly around the item before the normal item animation.

I also found that Salad is a favorite food of Milktchi. I haven't been trying out too many foods as I can only do it when she is hungry.

And that's how Denise and I spent the day today ^^
Thanks ^^


I tried playing with every toy I had today -- which had been every toy available in the shop the past few days.


First up we have the ball. This is the basic toy that you get for free; it has unlimited uses and will never break! Denise and I threw it back and forth (it came close to the screen and sat there for a second to simulate the ball being tossed to me, very cute) and on the last toss she did a flip and caught it while upside down!


Next is the hula-hoop. Denise spun it a little bit and then it send her twirling around the room. A very short animation.


Now is the karaoke mic. It stood next to Denise and some music notes came out. That's it. :\


Next up is the party poppers. Denise set off three of them. The first one had confetti and ribbons. The second one had a rose. And then the last one -- which took a few tries to pop and surprised her -- had doves fly out! I tried to catch the final one on camera but I snapped too late and just got a black screen.


Using the trampoline, Denise bounced a couple times -- once up above the clouds!


Then we used the cross-country bicycle, which Denise like... stood on the seat as it wheeled around. She dreamed of the mountains while biking in the rain.


I tried the pen lights again and they were the same animation as before. I mean, I wasn't expecting anything else, but was worth a try XD Plus I wanted to see if Denise liked them.


The cookie cutters cut some dough, and then suddenly there's a bag of cookies in the middle of the floor. That's it :,)


Similarly, some fruits float above the smoothie blender, and then a smoothie appears.


This wasn't the first favorited item I found, but I uploaded them out of order XD Here we have the hand fan! It sat on the side of the room and blew air at Denise. That's all, really, but she loved it!


The candy machine popped out three candies at a time, and Denise... ate them? They just kind of disappeared after she caught them. And then on the last go, it shot out nine candies! She caught and ate(?) them all!


With the fluffy sofa, Denise dreamed of floating in the sky.


The facial pack was another favorite item. Surprisingly, instead of using it on herself, the little Tama buddy (need to learn his name lol) appeared and Denise put the facial pack on him. I guess they didn't want to try animating the facial pack for every possible Tama character.


With the sewing kit, Denise made two plushies and showed them off.


When we pulled the Dancing Ribbon out, Denise just tossed it in the air a couple times. It didn't animate, so it looked really awkward.


And lastly we have the selfie stick. Denise took two photos, then the last one wouldn't go, so she pulled the camera close and got a photo of her frowning up-close when it finally went off. It showed the three dining-room photos afterward. This was another favorite of hers :)

So I've found three Milktchi favorite items: Selfie Stick, Hand Fan, and Facial Pack. If you play with a favorite item, a little jingle plays and hearts fly around the item before the normal item animation.

I also found that Salad is a favorite food of Milktchi. I haven't been trying out too many foods as I can only do it when she is hungry.

And that's how Denise and I spent the day today ^^
Mine evolved into milktchi today I love her! 20220808_194547.jpg

A little makeover for Denise. Gave her the Lovely style room and pink star shades.

I still can't figure out how to get the fondness icon. I have her fondness at max and I swear she's been with me for 3 days or longer. I'll just keep trying for another day or so and then I guess marry her off to work on someone else.

<-- I got Milktchi's natsuki icon!!

So I decided to try out the dating app :)


First it asks you to choose someone you'd like to date. It timed out and exited while I was taking the photo, or else I would have chosen the top left guy because he's super cute.


Instead I got stuck with this guy instead, Wagasseirtchi.
I like how they have little dating profiles.
His hobby is being a master of sweets, and his profile says that romance and sweets go together lol.


So I chose him and they had a little date driving a car. It was very noisy. Like all Tama things, the car had a face.


After the date, Denise blushed a lot and then brought him in, saying she wanted to marry him! (After just one date?!)


I gave them my blessing...


They had a little smooch...


And drove off in their wedding car!

After that, an egg just... appeared. I am not sure where it came from.


It hatched into this little guy! Say hello to Dennis!

Just a small update: Dennis evolved and I put the room back to the white default :) Gonna keep it at default until I get an adult then make a room just for them :)

Dennis evolved into this little guy.. and then...!


To Mametchi! He hops up and down as his idle animation, very cute ^_^


I changed to the Natural room and gave him a mugikarabou (not sure how to translate this, barley hat?) to make it look like he works in the gardens. His ears peek out from behind the hat though which is a disappointment. A nice thing about the Pix is that they actually redraw their heads to "fit" in the hats instead of just pasting a hat on them and that's that. Score another point for the Pix here XD

Anyway, looking forward to getting his Natsuki Icon.

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