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  1. DigiTrash

    punirunes !!!!!!!!

    OHHHH so the instructions were just misread then probably
  2. DigiTrash

    Donut (Ginjirotchi) is the first tama I’ve raised in YEARS. I’m keeping him alive in my Tamagotchi Pix Party for as long as I can! *Comments Welcome*

    That is an adorable ginjorotchi! I love seeing donut's silly little exploits but also i did not know you could keep a tama for this long! Ive been off and on about tamagotchis so im not as familiar with the newer tamas so I guess Tamagotchi Pix cant "die" of old age/leave to home planet after a...
  3. DigiTrash

    punirunes !!!!!!!!

    Ive seen according to the manual they can "melt" if neglected and basically die that way but it must take leaving it turned on unattended for a long time for it to actually get to that point and either way it seems harder for that to happen on accident
  4. DigiTrash

    punirunes !!!!!!!!

    I honestly came here looking if anyone posted anything about punirunes here since i found out they released them in north america (ive known about them since they were relatively new in japan, i didnt find out they had a north american release until recently!) Especially since ive heard that...