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  1. L

    Checking out? HUH?

    Hey guys. It's Lj, Tgds side account. Why am I using this accoutn you ask? No particular reason. Just wanted to...well, now lets get to the point. Lately I've been feeling like I'm beign more looked at body-wise. It kinda gives me the creeps sometimes. Is this natural for this to happen while...
  2. L

    Help. Advice needed!

    Hey guys! It'd LemonadeJuice (but this is Tgd's backup). I need some advice!!! I like this guy, right? Well, I thought he liked me. We always laugh together and chat with eachother. Though, he keeps going out with this girl 'Nicole'. They broke up, and he seemed really upset about it. He was...
  3. L


    I forgot to introduce myself. I'm LemonadeJucie, and I like Lemonade. I also like Juice. I like pokemon and tamagotchis. I don't come here often. Wanna be friends? From, your friend Lj