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  1. R

    20? Wha?

    Oookay... So the V4 is supposed to have 20 games, or something like that, but you only get five. And the rest are supposed to occur... What, during school or working or something? What are these mysterious lost games, exactly? >_>
  2. R


    Yattatchi cracks me up. The way his arms and legs move... I'm pretty sure it's a shameless reference to the Yatta song. :blink: ;
  3. R

    Suffrage of women

    It's been going on a long time. What do you think?
  4. R

    Coach Mametchi

    On Tuesdays I take fencing lessons, and one of the practice drills I've had the most trouble with is parrying my coach's blade when he tries to fake me out. Similarly, the game I have the most trouble with on my tama is Flag, which is the same concept. Wait for the "real" flag and then act...
  5. R

    How old are you?

    Just a random question to see how well-received Tamagotchi are for various age groups. I'm 17, and bought a V3 for myself on impulse when I saw them on sale at Walgreens, after previously considering and researching a few months ago. Seemed like a tiny little thing to play games with and care...
  6. R

    Should I get one?

    I'm 17, male, in high school, have no friends who own or at least regularly use a Tamagotchi and have no intention of buying more than one. I find the limited amount of interaction (aside from different ways to keep the thing alive), unappealing. If I owned a tamagotchi, I would abuse the...