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  1. I

    v3 tamatown question.

    Where are all the items on for the hunt for the golden tamagotchi? So far I only found the tie and paintbrush. Please help me!
  2. I

    How long does your tamagotchi live?

    Please answer my poll thanks!
  3. I

    Lila, my favorite tamagotchi ever

    My tama's name is Lila she is really cool heres some info about her: Name: Lila Gender: Girl Age:2 Weight *gasp*-99 pds Point:270 Version: 4 Stage: teen
  4. I


    ok my tamagotchi turned from a mizutamatchi to a hawaikotchi and i dont know if the hawaikotchi is a teenager or not, it doesnt tell me anywhere! im new and kind of confused. :wacko: