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  1. D

    Check it out!

    Check out this website it is awesome! and check out this one The 2nd is better than the first, but check them out
  2. D

    V1 and V2?

    I am getting either a V1 or a V2 tamagotchi on Tuesday. I don't need any opinions on which to get, I just need to know how to play each. Can you tell me?
  3. D

    The Club didn't work...

    I am sorry to all who wanted the club. Admin does not allow it, and what Admin says goes. I have an alternative though. There will be a group hatch every Sunday at 3:00pm (Eastern Standard time) You are required to fill out an application to get in, and then one daily to update us on your...
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    I don't get Zooreka

    What do you do in Zooreka besides getting people to click on him and visit him? Is there anything else?
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    Hello everyone, Guess what I just found out? Clubs are not allowed on TamaTalk. This will not STOP the club, and I still have plenty of spots on the roster, but I have some solutions for the people who can't make it in. For now, do NOT do these options, except for 1 if you do not want to...
  6. D

    Hi All New People To TamaTalk!

    Hello All, It is so great to see all these new people getting on to TamaTalk. I have PM'ed some of you personnally, but I really don't have time to do things like that, so I will post here to welcome you. Since you are new, I have a few suggestions on what to do first. I have one of each thing...
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    Welcome to the New Tama Help Team!

    Hey everyone, I am Dogtchi235 and I am starting a Tama Help Team. The Help Team Members: I need 10 people to be on the team and they have to have been on TamaTalk for a while. If you would like to join the Tama Help Team, all you need to do is PM me or add a reply. I will send you a...
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    Who wants to be in the newest Group?

    Hey! Hopefully I will get to welcome you into the newest Group Hatching club EVER! This club is for V2s, V3s, and V4s! Sorry, but no V1s in this club. If enough people want one, I can make a special V1 club. Any breed of tama is fine by me. I have 21 spots in this club, 7 for each version. Sign...
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    I need some help!

    How do you subscribe to a forum? How do you get a forum?* *Like when people say, subscribe to my forum, how do you get a forum?*
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    Welcome to the life of Wubba.

    Welcome to the life of my tamagotchi pal Wubba. He has not hatched yet, he is not born yet, but with Wubba, some pretty amazing things could happen. This log will be divided into chapters. Each chapter stands for 1 year of Wubba's life. But in this log, YOU get to decide the future of Wubba. PM...
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    How could this happen?!

    Can you help me???
  12. D

    Mappy, we will always remember you!

    Tamagotchi's Name: Mappy Tamagotchi's Age: 5 Date of Birth: ???? Date of Passing: ????? What Generation? G1 Your Comments: Poor, poor, Mappy died too early. She was only 5 when she had a baby and sadly, died. I will always miss her. :angry: