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    Hello! Some people remember me. but anyways , I am very much still interested in what people's Zodiac sign is. I made a topic Here about a year ago. {of course, if I posted there, i'd bump the topic} so... What is your Zodiac sign?
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    Tamagotchi Addiction test

    Click here To take the tamagotchi addiction test ! ( not made by me )
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    eep. Uhg. Nooo >_<

    noo! My mom says she wants to join tama talk o__o. I'm sure she'll like it here N' all. but its weird being on the same site as your mom , y know &gt;.&lt;
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    To me , they are cool. :)
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    Giga Pets -__-"

    I don't like giga pets at all &gt;.&lt; Ps - i'll be making another poll like this about vmigo and maybe others
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    Favorite season ?

    Whats your favorite season? Mine is Fall. Beacause : Summer : to hot Spring : Allergies Winter : too cold So , Autunm ! :wacko:
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    How do I ...

    Is there a way i can put a smiley like this ----&gt; :wacko: &lt;---- in my signature !?
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    Some people don't believe in Zodic signs. I don't. but I think they are interesting. What is our zodiac sign? I'm a picese :D ;)
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    Sometimes ...

    Sometimes when I have a small avatar and I want to change it to a big avatar. I try but the small one just gets bigger instead of switching o.o then after a while it goes to the avvie it was supposed to be ;)
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    PC or Mac/apple

    Are you using a PC or a macintosh/apple I'm using an apple Power Book G4. I think macs and apples are easier than pc . ;)
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    " Every Body Loves Raymond "

    I'm watching " eveybody loves raymond " on television right now. Does anyone else watch it ? Its funny and always has a good plot. Its boring when most of the episodes you've seen already. They are coming out with new ones though :(
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    Not many people have the new Iphone. But some do such as my mom's friend , Marie. My mom was thinking about getting one , but she hasn't yet. I'm not into phones as much as some people. But just wondering , for moms sake , is it any good? Lets talk about it for a little while :(
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    Asiangel87 Here !

    Hi! I'm Asianagel87 ! I want to be friends with everyone here ! Please PM me . EDIT : Its Asia angel not Asian Gel :( - Bye. :D