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  1. SyntheticNightmares

    Tamagotchi V5 House Log!

    Hatched: 24th January 2008 Time: 8.02pm Hatchees: Mattaritchi, Sakuramotchi, Ahirukutchi I'm not sure how to log these ones. With three Tamas and a weird family sytem, I'm not sure how this should go. Either way I'll get properly started tomorrow.
  2. SyntheticNightmares

    Hello again!

    Well... it's been a long time, but I'm glad to come back to find this forum is still here and going strong. I was here back in 2005 under the username boulevard_of_tamagotchi_dreams, but then the next three years happened and things changed. My friend bought me a new v5 Tama for Christmas...