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  1. SuperChamaGirl17

    Music City Points Generator Help?

    A while before tamatown came back, I started using this website to get items for my V6. But for the points generator, it says you need to type in your password! :o Does anyone know if I can trust the site? :huh: (Like, have you used the points generator, and it's fine?)
  2. SuperChamaGirl17

    V6 CDs

    Can anyone tell me what the CDs are for on V6 tamas are for? I'm not talking about the ones on tamatown that you make, i'm talking about the ones that you buy on the tamagotchi shop that go into your item box because no-matter what age my tama is, it just wont let me use them :furawatchi...
  3. SuperChamaGirl17

    Strange Tamagotchis

    Ok. So I was playing the rollercoaster picture game on V5 Tamatown and suddenly.... something very strange happened- The Devil in Tamatown :wacko: Monster of the Rollercoaster :angry: More strange tamas to come when I find some, until then, goodbye! :mellow: Edit: Sorry, I just...