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  1. A

    The Haunted Roller-Coaster

    Chapter.1 I closed my eyes as a shrill scream escaped my throat. Bouncing hard, I opened them just in time to see the trees fly by in a jarring blur. "Whoa!" I was tossed forward as I roared straight down into darkness. A sudden spin made me cry out again. My car tilted hard to the left and I...
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    HI :3

    This is *ura angel mametchi*'s new account :P this was orignially my backup but now I've switched over :huh: (I AM A GIRL, MY SIGNATURE IS A QUOTE FROM MY FAVORITE ANIME LOL)
  3. A

    What is There; comments

    Comments about Story here :furawatchi:
  4. A

    What is There?

    Here goes B) B) B) What is There? Prolouge Rain was falling on her window. With a sound like the pitter-pattering of feet she often heard in the hallways. Emma the Dazziltchi got out of bed. It was cold. She wrapped her favorite blanket around her shoulders and peeked out the window...
  5. A

    hi im a noobie!

    B) B) B) B) My name is addison. And no I don't think I'm ''hot'' Just the boys at my school do. :P