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  1. RachaelLuvsCows

    99 lbs!

    Hi! So, I had heard of people rumored to have their tama reach 99 lbs. Naturally, I was curios to see If I was able to achieve this myself. I fed my Gozarutchi mercilessly. We began at approximately 50 lbs. I fed him pork and beans until he refused to eat anymore. Then he drank bottle after...
  2. RachaelLuvsCows

    Frozen Tama-Go

    I have a problem. I slid a Memetchi figure ( second wave ) onto my Tama-Go. My Nonokotchi traveled to the game place, and I selected "Coin Catch"; the only game available. The "Ready..." screen appeard. I was waiting for my Tama-Go to make the reassuring "Go!!" beep, but it never came! It's...
  3. RachaelLuvsCows

    Question About Pausing

    Hello, I'm new to TamaTalk as well as the Tamagotchi world in general, so please bear with me. I purchased a Tama-go last month; my first and only Tamagotchi. I was haphazardly pressing buttons of different combinations when I discovered the pause function. I used it one time for almost an hour...