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  1. xavplusplus


    Anyone else play? Because I'd love to have someone to play with!
  2. xavplusplus

    I'm back!

    Gunna get the Tamagotchi Friends Dream town!
  3. xavplusplus

    What is the newest Tama out there?

    Also whats this I see rumors about that a new english color is coming out in the us?
  4. xavplusplus

    Need a new anime

    I'm looking for a complex emotional and symbolic plot like FLCL does anyone have suggestions? I liked cowboy bebop too.
  5. xavplusplus


    how long does each stage take in the v6
  6. xavplusplus

    old tamas v6

    can old tamas get married and mate?
  7. xavplusplus

    tama turnaround

    alyssa neglected her tama and it turned into an androiditchi and she gave it to me. well i nursed it back to health. it took a little work i had to get it money for food and wait for it to destress. once that happened i made it play a ton. now its like a totally different tama! i just wanted...
  8. xavplusplus

    idl and other color tamas

    what should i know about each of their gameplay content? which is the most fun?
  9. xavplusplus

    My tama hasn't left its baby yet

    Its been two days...
  10. xavplusplus

    How to change time on v6

    Also if I do that can I change it back later?
  11. xavplusplus

    which one?

    im trying to decide on my next tama. im caught between tama color through 15th (all those colored versions) i dont like the girly spacy ones but id consider you know? as well as the tama-go. what one do yoi enjoy and would recommend? if you give a recommendation id like a reason why as well.
  12. xavplusplus

    Battery Dieing in v6

    How do I deal with it? What happens to my tama?
  13. xavplusplus

    More v6 questions

    I got a star from a guy at my door? What is it? Also how do I get gotchi points? I need more for food.
  14. xavplusplus

    xavplusplus and Alyssa's log/unboxing With BAD pictures:)

    Well I've been waiting to start this for a little bit now but here we go Heres us with our tamas Then after weeks of waiting So yea the columns didn't work but eventually they were opened! ^^Sorry for the blur. Heres the hatches I liked this picture. Waiting to hatch is annoying...
  15. xavplusplus

    Another v6 question

    Where do I buy items for my tama?
  16. xavplusplus

    WHY? V6

    It is sooooo hard to make my tama happy. I play games, let him play his toy and instrument and I can't get him up in hearts
  17. xavplusplus

    What does tamatown have to do with it?

    Soooo now that I ordered my tamas what does tamatown have to do with it?
  18. xavplusplus

    Tamagotchi v6s!

    I didn't know where else to post this but I ordered the tamas for me and my girlfriend!! Two v6s can't wait to start a log!
  19. xavplusplus

    Tamagotchi Simulators

    Any for android, I just started using one on my computer. Its fun but until I get my real one I need something to play around on. If you know of any post some links. Also how to install I don't know how to install anything on my droid that isn't in the market
  20. xavplusplus


    I'm xavier and I want to get into tamagotchis I've said other places that my girlfriend and I are going to be getting a pair and diving in. I plan on getting a color at some point:)