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  1. GermanTamaGirl

    Which Tamagotchi ?

    Hello everyone Since my teenage years I have been on and off playing tamagotchis. I liked them put never played for years on end with it. But every now and then the fever gets me....but since I always buy and sell them I never have some left now I'm in the mood again and maybe you...
  2. GermanTamaGirl

    Wanna start again

    Hello everyone here on Tamatalk I'm a 30 year old young lady from Germany. We had a tamagotchi hype back in the 90s and if you go to my profil you see I'm member of this site since a few years. But I wasnt always active. I was an on and off fan. I had moments when I loved tamagotchi and bought...
  3. GermanTamaGirl

    English IDL Japanese Arcade menu?!

    Hey everyone I have my IDL since a few days now and I love it so very much. I never thought that it would have so much fun added with all the features its really worth the price. I don't regret it. Yesterday I managed to download a few of the extras especially games from gotchiworld. With the...
  4. GermanTamaGirl

    Crochet covers

    Hey everyone I ordered a Tamagotchi ID L and will get it soon. So now I thought it would be nice to welcome it with a selfmade crochet cover. I went to a german and english tama site. She got a pattern there for doing that but its password protected. You can ask for the pattern...
  5. GermanTamaGirl


    I wonder if anyone of you heard about mobbles. Its a new casual gameplay on the android phones or iphone, tablets, ipod.... Its free and you can find the download on I found it by accident as I was searching for a tamagotchi for my phone as I only have the Tama go running at...
  6. GermanTamaGirl

    Which one?

    Hey dear people here on TamaTalk Im not totally new to Tamagotchis as I had one when I was younger in 1996. Now im 27 and Im still sometimes in the mood to play with it. I bought a tama go half a year ago after I sold all my old Tamagotchis I didnt have one anymore. I liked the Tama go...
  7. GermanTamaGirl

    And old love comes alive.

    Hello everyone. I am Verena (27) and from germany. I work as a Nanny which makes me have contact to kids toys alot. I had a tamagotchi back in 97 and a few years later after 2000 as well when the connexions came up. But after a while I sold it as I was not a regular player at all. A few times a...