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    Hecky Yeah!

    OMG,OMG!!! It Came!!! It's Here!!! :ichigotchi: My Tama From Hong Kong Arrived Today!!! W00H00!!!! :furawatchi: I'm Soooooooooooo Excited!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! :mametchi: I Pulled the Tab and BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!! :angry: I got a baby Boy!!!! A Puchitchi!!! :hitodetchi: I named...
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    Hi everyone!!! My friend Loveable_Egg told me about this website and I absolutly LOVE IT!!!! If you want a friend, PM me!! :wacko:
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    Tama Homes!

    HI!!! I'm Tama Baby! :furawatchi: ! I havn't gotten my Tamagotchi yet, I ordered (<------------ Can't spell...) one off of E-bay!! And I was wondering, How do you protect your Tama?? *Moved by Bell Sprout: Polls and questions not relating to help generally go in What's On Your Mind ;) *