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  1. J

    Full List

    I tried to bring in the food prizes from the ring toss on Tama Town to my V4 and it says my list is full, how do I delete stuff from it so I can bring in the new items? I tried eating the foods I have and it didn't do any good. Please let me know how to remedy this. It also says the same thing...
  2. J

    Item List Full

    Okay, I just started at Tamatown today and when I tried to put in the password for buying a soda in the movie theater, it said item list was full or something like that, how do I make it so I can buy the soda? Do I need to eat some of my current foods that I've bought from the shop or something?
  3. J

    Skipped Evolution

    It's on Generation 2, and it skipped from toddler to adult. Has this happened to anyone else? It's only 1 yr old and already it's a Propellortchi. I've never had this happen before, I hope it doesn't mess up my Tama, I didn't do anything different. Is this a good sign, or a bad one? Please let...
  4. J

    How To Get...

    Okay, so I'm, like totally new to this version of Tamagotchi Connection. How do you get certain tamas? Is there an index somewhere or is it still trial and error?