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  1. B

    Set user name without loosing any data

    Hi all, we ahve a Tama v4 and the name ist set. We forgot to set the user name. Is there any chance to set the mising user name without loosing any data like points, life, whatever? If yes, please describe in details how to set it. Many thanks!
  2. B

    When comes Mrs. Busybody?

    Hello, my Tama is a 7 yr old grandma now, im looking for Mrs. Busybody, but she doesnt come! 1.)What can i do to get Mrs Busybody to get a new Tama baby? 2.) When normally dies Mrs. Busybody occurs? Age of Tama, What Time?,....? Any help is welcome. I dont want to see that my Tama dies...
  3. B

    points listing for shop items

    Hello, can some help with a listing, where all items are listed wich can be bought in the shop, showing points price and item for it? I had a lsiting at xxxx:// but it's gone :I Bif thanks in advance.
  4. B

    Whats that new character?

    Since today the Tama is an adult (4 Years). It's a v2 connexion. The Tama looks like a little bear and has a 3 peek crown on his head. Unfortunalely i can't find any infos in charts/lists about this character. Who knows about this character (data, favorite food, ....) and has a link for...
  5. B

    The latest listing with all shop items ?

    Hello, where do i get the latest lsiting with all items which can be bought in the shop for V2 Tamas ? For example I bought a Ball for 200 points in the shop, which isn't listed in the item listing . To use this ball i need to buy a further thing. Guess its a kind of racket. I just know this...
  6. B

    Use computer 25times and then...

    ... i red about you get full trained after that. But i have no sucess about that. Who did this working?
  7. B

    Tama v2 connected to another v2

    Tomorrow we meet us with friends. The children wanna play with there Tamas v2 connectioned via Infrared. Please let me know tips, cheats, tricks and possibilites that can be done together. Guess both Tamas are adults in the meantime.
  8. B

    What pre requirements to use the cheat codes?

    Are there any pre requisites to use the cheat codes (For example be an adult) ? At which menu the codes has to be entered? The codes dont work at my Tama. It's 1 Year old, so no adult. PS: I have a connexion v2 (Hitodetchi)
  9. B

    How to play this Tama game ?

    Hello, we have a Tamagothi connexion v2 :( and like to know what do do at the following game. The description says : "PUSH GAME: Press button ( B ) to stop the bar. The lenght of the bar determines the power level." What do do here to win? Is there a strategy? Any hints and tips ?
  10. B

    Hi all...

    ...i found this side today after looking for a Tama Board. Nice place here. The Xmas man brought us last night a Tama v2 (see pic). Now im looking for details about it. For example what to to in details at the "Bump" game?? Just triggering at 'B'-button after 'PUSH' will be displayed is not...