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  1. R

    The Tama's Dream [Pt.2]

    :o -Furawatchi :mametchi: -Mametchi :angry: -Ichigotchi :mametchi: blushed when :D said "thanks for taking caring of :( ". Soon :( and :furawatchi: left. Mametchi was cleaning the house when there was a hard knock on the door, Mametchi opened the door to find Furawatchi crying...
  2. R

    The Tama's Dream [Pt.1]

    Charcters:   :furawatchi: -Furawatchi :mametchi: -Mametchi ;) -Ichigotchi :mametchi: was a young little follow, he loved to play soccer and help his friends. One wintery day, he was walking through the park when he saw a :ichigotchi: on the cold hard ground. He picked him up and...