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    My V1

    Day 1 Today my tamagotchi hatched out of its egg. Ya! It was a girl and her name is Jenny. I hope she will become a mimitchi when she is an adult! I will take perfect care of her. So far she has been easy to take care of ;) . The hard part of trying to get a mimitchi is when you go to school...
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    Mew mew power!

    This team stroy is about mew mew power! If you want to become a mew mew click here.   It was a busy day at the mew mew cafe. Just then, something attacked! It was a...
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    Dear Diary

    Please write 1 diary entry minumime. Nothing inaproprite like killing or bombs. Feb. 27 2006 Dear Diary, Today I hatched from my egg! The new world is so amazing! My owner's name is Amy. So far shes been paying more attetion to me than anything else. She's making sure I don't go hungry or...
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    Avatar shop

    Welcome to my avatar shop :) ! Tell me a simple avatar you want and i'll make it for you! The avatars must be simple and they will be coumputor drawn, so they will not look perfect. When i get a scanner i can make hand drawn avatars. :kuribotchi:
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    uh... hi?

    I'm new to tamatalk. I joined a few minutes ago. Could someone be my friend?