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  1. S

    Is there a whole chart of tagagotchi evoluton?

    OK my tama evolved into somethin else but i dunno wut its called and its not on the tagagotchi site. I remeber seein one that was really helpful but i forgot wut it was called. Does n e one knoe of n e good ones?
  2. S

    When does the matchmaker come?

    My tama is 7 yrs old but i have never connected with anyone else. so is the matchmaker even gonna come? or does she come because i never connected with anyone? and what time will she come * Moved to Help for New Tamagotchi Owners forum *
  3. S

    I got the rare costume but....

    Ok i got the rare costume and the Pyonchitchi is wearin it now but how do u get it off? will it be gone when he wakes up or is it permanent?
  4. S

    does the generation ever change?

    I saw on someones info thing that their tamas generation was 6. Does it change or does it just depend on which Tamagotchi you have?
  5. S

    Why is my Pyonchitchi doing this?

    he keeps like runnin extra close to the screen and think winks like three times and then runs back. and he doesnt stop unil i press a button. Hes been doin this for the past half hour. is this just a thing they like to do or somethin?
  6. S

    My Pyonchitchi never wants to play a game

    It usually has like 1 heart for happiniess but it rarely ever wants to play a game. Is that normal of this character or did i do something wrong?