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  1. Ginjirotchi_lover

    another On log

    i've had this line for a few generations, but i figured i might as well start logging it i was very attached to the previous generation here, they are perfect, stunning but i found out about Tamagyaotchi and its little baby dinosaur fangs and claws and i knew i had to find someone with its...
  2. Ginjirotchi_lover

    inaccessible characters spotted on the app?

    during my last trip to the On app, i saw this Nyorotchi and Shimashimatchi, one after the other obviously, these are not normally raisable in any version (although Shimashimatchi is available on the 20th anniversary m!x, which cannot connect to the app, and the Nyorotchi seems to be using its...
  3. Ginjirotchi_lover


    I got 2 V5s for easter, and I hatched the Cotton Candy V5 first, but for some reason, my Cookie Dough V5 evolved into teens first! I was thinking that it had something to do with bonding because my Cotton Candy V5 had 70% Bonding and my Cookie Dough V5 had 80%, and after I connected them a few...
  4. Ginjirotchi_lover

    The Puffy Dandylion Pokemon

    Here you can adopt a puffy dandylion pokemon like in my avatar: Color: Leaves color: Mouth or no mouth: Other:
  5. Ginjirotchi_lover

    Pokemon Replacement

    I saw this game on the PE2K forums and its cool so I'm posting it here for tamatalkers to enjoy: Let's write a story together, except we replace all the words with characters/items/pokemon to do with pokemon. I'll start. Once apon a Pokedex, there was this pokemon named Bulbasaur. Bulbusaurs...
  6. Ginjirotchi_lover

    Tama version 9...
  7. Ginjirotchi_lover


    On dinomon you put a link in your signature and get an egg. When people click on the link the dinomon is fed a fruit. When lots of people click one of their links, the egg hatches! This is my egg's link: Click here to feed my Dinomon a fruit!
  8. Ginjirotchi_lover

    The poking stuff game!

    Ok, in this game you can poke something in the person above's avatar, signature, or just something random if you can't find anything worth poking.
  9. Ginjirotchi_lover

    Rate that avatar!

    Ok, the title says it all. 0/10 no ones above me. XD EDIT: theres another thread like this i didn't see someone close this
  10. Ginjirotchi_lover

    The Arguing about which tama is better game!

    Ok, I'll start by saying a tama, and then the next person will say something like "Xtchi is better!" the next person will say something like "No! 1tchi is better!" Ginjirotchi is the best tama!
  11. Ginjirotchi_lover

    The Translucent Blue V4 log!

    Well, My Kuchipatchi Acao is here with me right now. Hi there everyone! He has a baby with him because he mated with my friend's tama Alex. He is leaving tonight. What? Waddaya mean i'm leaving? You have been such a good owner, taking my to school and stuff, and I had a lot of fun with Alex...
  12. Ginjirotchi_lover

    Fake tama! Ver 9? Phooey. :huh:
  13. Ginjirotchi_lover


    A lot of tamas with touch screens are fake, but not this one! Check it out! It's called "Cho Yarikuri Enjoy" Or something like that. It looks so neat!
  14. Ginjirotchi_lover


    My V4 just evolved and I got my 2nd favorite tama! Kuchipatchi! I hope ginjirotchi is on the V4.5 and/or V5.
  15. Ginjirotchi_lover

    Is your tama watching an egg or a baby?

    There are too many topics about this. If your tama is watching an egg or baby, it is simply the easter animation. Since easter is coming up, It will be showing every day on your tama untill after easter. It's perfectly normal, and there is nothing wrong with your tama. Don't worry about it at all.
  16. Ginjirotchi_lover

    Bye Bye, Biti and Pai

    Tamagotchi's Name: Biti and Pai Tamagotchi's Age: Pai Was 6, Biti was 8 or 7 Date of Birth: er, don't remember. Date of Passing: a while ago... What Generation? 1 and 1 Your Comments: Bye guys! I'll take good care of Acao and Aba!
  17. Ginjirotchi_lover

    The last Nyatchi

    Once there was a Nyatchi in the Tamagotchi Planet. She was friends with a lot of tamagotchis but she never saw any other nyatchis. One day she thought "What if i'm the last one?" So she set out on a journey to find more Nyatchis...
  18. Ginjirotchi_lover

    Wierd tama angel battery glitch up

    uhhhh.... my tama angel doesn't have one of the screws it in and sometimes the pixels fade and go away. But something REALLY wierd happened a few days ago... I was messing around with the back of it, trying to get it to work, and there was a selection like when you feed it stuff, it was 00 or...
  19. Ginjirotchi_lover


    My V4 age 4 married my V3 age 5! Should I be worried that my V4 married at 4?
  20. Ginjirotchi_lover

    The Weird Kusatchi.

    :P Meeko was always a weirdo, or so everyone thought. He didn't know whow to read the word "A" But did large Mathematical Equations like they were 1+1.