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  1. hannah_stig

    Do you feel guilty unpacking tamagotchis?

    If I bought a new tamagotchi, I would feel bad about taking it out of the packaging because I'd feel as though I was damaging it, but also, I'd still want to try it out and play with it. Does anyone else feel like this?
  2. hannah_stig

    How many tamas do u look after

    i look after 1 or 2 at a time and i think people should take my example, coz i once looked after 4 and went off tamas 4 ages coz it was too much trouble. I think it is great to look after lots if u have the time or the patience but obviously i don't!! :huh:
  3. hannah_stig

    golden tamagotchi!

    how do u get the golden tamagotchi :wacko: :wacko: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi:
  4. hannah_stig


    what time does the match makert cum
  5. hannah_stig

    wat shall i get?

    i no i'm gettin money for my bday as well as a ds but i cant decide wat to do wiv my money. i checked on the internet for tama things and those were my favourotes but i really decide help me plz :angry:
  6. hannah_stig

    Is it right for you to collect other vertual pets

    keep the vots coming in!
  7. hannah_stig

    When did v3s come out in japan?

    When did v3s come out in japan i'm curious
  8. hannah_stig


    :wacko: i want them 2
  9. hannah_stig

    keitai tamas

    dont u find it annoying that keitai tamas r in japanise and u cant get them in england or america. i want one but i cant just go over to japan
  10. hannah_stig

    keitai tamas

    don't u find it annoying that keitai tamas are in japanise and u can't get them in england or americia. :)
  11. hannah_stig

    i'm happy now

    i lost my v3 so i got a new one that came 2day!
  12. hannah_stig

    hello everyone

    hello everyone i'm hannah i'm ouite sad at the moment coz i lost my v3 and i'd only had it for a week! :huh: