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  1. G

    my logg!

    today, my tama was just born. His (its a boy!) name is Vance....(i named it after my old BF)!!! he is sooo adorable!!(lol....just like vance!!!) he likes to take baths and come up to the screen alot! He already weighs 20 pounds! i fed him to much in accident!!!!!! well i cant wait till 2marro...
  2. G

    The littlest tama

    once there was a tiny tama. his name was Hammy. he was so small that when he started school, he could barly sit in his chair. He was the smallest tama in the tamagotchi world! he had no friends. He was lonly. Every one would make fun of him or wisper about him behind his back. he thought he was...
  3. G


    my tamagotchi is having problems. it wont stop eating foods i dont tell it to eat, and he is gaining weight. When i feed him he just eats it and a minute later he eats something else without me telling him to! im confused. :o is my tamagotchi broken? or if you know wut the problem is, please...