Once you have all the petpet lab-ray peices, where do you go to use it? I went to the map page, and It said that I didn't have not even one peice. I have all nine. Please respond somebody. Username:tyscomics, pet: BlueiBori, status: in need! ;) :(
I really need help. I need someone to reply or message me on my account and tell me that they'll help me. I will set up a trade for them, and will offer every point I have for all the lab peices. That's almost 21,000 neopoints. Isn't that enogh people???!!! My username is: tyscomics. Just incase...
Excuse me, but I have a question. When you type in your name on the screen that comes up when you visit tamagotchi town, is there any way to, like, save your stuff, so that next time you type in your name, it already has the stuff you've done??? :huh: Please help! :o