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  1. G

    Will ya believe me?

  2. G

    Your choice

    I think they should have more stores and things opened up. They have some buildings but you cant enter them and it kinda gets boring!
  3. G

    Does anyone know the contact number for tamagotchi

    Thank you soo much. Once again thank you so much for the help!!!
  4. G

    Does anyone know the contact number for tamagotchi

    Does anyone here know where and or how we can contact the tamgotchi North America mainly company. People and I have very good ideas please post it here and tell us if you know. THank you
  5. G

    Your choice

    Thank you for posting your ideas you all have wonderful ideas and we can keep this up. Right now with theese ideas I can just imagine a better tamagotchi and we should have a bank to store your points and stuff and you should actually see yourself in your computer screen!
  6. G

    Stuck with a tamagotchi problem

    You can post stories about your experiences and funny stories of when you got your tamagotchi tooo!!!
  7. G


    Is this have to do with your staying up late or what happned?
  8. G


    i didnt know that the v4 had a job and when I got that letter I just pressed these buttons and now I dont know if I have a job what should I do? Is there some special age when u open the mail where you get a job or do u just open it when you get it?? please tell me I need to know or else I...
  9. G

    Bandai Wants To Know #4

    Me too and then I just end up not going on the website for a while cuz it doesnt let me log out and I cant really get some stuff
  10. G

    Bandai Wants To Know #1

    i have one I like it and all but nothing much is changed. Tamagotchi's should have a keyboard a little one where you can type in the codes faster rather than pressing one botton and I feel it takes forever, but its cool that you could do soo much with three buttons. They should have an address...
  11. G

    what eles should we bring in

    honestly I think made it pretty hard to pick. i think all of them and sorry but you shoud add dress up your pet.
  12. G

    Bandai Wants To Know #1

    YEs i have one but the one thing i hate is putting in long codes...I wish they had a keyboard a little one and you could just type it in the one shoudl be v5!!
  13. G

    Job v4

    I didnt know there was a job so I opened the mail and I dont know what I did now I dont know if Ihave a I have to restart? I wish there were instuctions in here so we knew what we were doing!!
  14. G

    Your choice

    If you have better ideas for to make tamagotchi world better please post them here and please someone send this to the company or whereever they make them.
  15. G

    Stuck with a tamagotchi problem

    You can reply too if you have any sories!!
  16. G

    V4 released in Canada

    ITs city in a province in Canada
  17. G

    V4 released in Canada

    'Yes. I think it is..because my sister got it from Zellers in Surrey so they probably have it in Richmond too!
  18. G


    umm....i wanna ask a question....why do my pets die soo soon 2 have died already why????
  19. G


    where is there an airplaine do u mean when u visit
  20. G

    I really need an answer

    i was on google searching about tamagotchi's when i found this...Your tamagotchi goes to school and becomes it true it goes to schoool if it is true tell me where at school..cuz all there is at the scool is games and how will my pet become something? please respond back please please