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  1. P


    thanx dancinkayley
  2. P


    Ive already checked the characters, but there not there? :huh:
  3. P


    Are there only one secret characters for each version. I keep getting tamatgotchis that arnt on the character list. right now I have a thing that has lips like a dolphin and a propeller on its head? Last time I had an adult that was a half circle and a tail with a heart on it :huh:
  4. P

    How to kill your tama...

    Completeyly ignore your tama for a day and a half...or just pres the reset button on the back of your tama :furawatchi:
  5. P

    playing with ball on own!

    I own a v2...and I was sooo suprised when it started playing with random things that I didnt give it too....Like yesterday it was watching tv.! But I think they just do that when their boreed. :furawatchi:
  6. P

    Girly or Manly?

    I think it is more of a girl thing because you are nurturing and taking care of something. And in my opinion its more of a motherly girly thing :( Although I do find a lot of guys with tamagotchis...... :huh: