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  1. M

    Mimichos tama log!

    Updates! v1#1 Mametchi---Bebetchi-->Kinakomotchi-->Young Mimitchi ;) -->Mimitchi ;) ---Shirobebetchi-->Kinokomotchi v2#2 Mametchi---Shirobebetchi-->Kinakomotchi-->Young Mimitchi :D -->Androtchi :wacko: ---Shirobebetchi-->Kinakomotchi v2#1...
  2. M

    Mimichos tama log!

    Yes!They have evolved! v1#1: :wub: Ichigotchis! v2#3,v2#4&v2#1:Ringotchis! v2#2:Young Mametchi! v3#1&v3#3:Patapatatchis! v3#2:Obotchi! Ketai:Young Mametchi! Akai:Ringotchi! p1:Kuchitamatchi! p2:Hashitamatchi! NEWS FLASH!!!!My entama arrived! Ichigos growth so...
  3. M

    Mimichos tama log!

    Ok they evolved!!! v1s:Both Marutchis v2s:All 4 are Kuribotchis :huh: !!!! v3s:2 Mohitamatchis,1 Kuchitamatchi. Ketai:Kuribotchi :huh: *again!!!* Akai:Cheritchi p1:Marutchi p2:Ton-Marutchi
  4. M

    Mimichos tama log!

    OOh!The eggs have hatched! V1s:1 Shirobebetchi,1 Bebetchi v2s:2 Puchitchis,2 Shiropuchitchis v3s:2 Teletchis,1 Shiroteletchi ketai:Puchitchi akai:Shirohattotchi p1:Babyitchi p2:Shirobabyitchi They are all cute names: Shirobebetchi,Laura Bebetchi,Evan Puchitchi#1,Josh...
  5. M

    Im new!

    Thanx pinefir!Also,I am 14.Was i suposed to say that?
  6. M

    Mimichos tama log!

    I have just reset all of my tamas!Anyway,I put all of my items on my cousins tamas so i will have my items back soon! I have: 2 Version1s 4 Version2s 3 Version3s 1 Ketai 1 Akai 1 p1 1 p2 1 entama in the mail.
  7. M

    Im new!

    Mimitchi rules2000(josh9 on tamazone)dared me 2 come over from tamazone.This website is much bigger that tamazone,so i will feel just as welcome.