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  1. H

    Tama wars,A new Tama

    Suddenly,Battle Tama droids came out of the door and began firing! :lol: Tina!Get back! He got out his saber and was about to slice when... :lol: Mmmmm!Easy,this is!Hahahahaha! :( :furawatchi: Hu? :lol: This way.To the ship.Mmmmmm! They run to another corridor leaving the...
  2. H

    Tama wars,A new Tama

    a robotic snake pit! :blink: What do we do!? :kuribotchi: for starters don`t panick!Ahhhhh!One is on my faaaace! ;) (Sigh)seems like I have to do this myself! Tina got :furawatchi: `s tama saber and turnd it on.She threw the saber at the snake genorater and it blew and all the...
  3. H

    Tama wars,A new Tama

    It was energy cuffs.Then :wub: rememberd that he had the tama saber!He turned it on and jumped sidways and sliced the mimitchis in half.He then cut the cuffs and :lol: and :wub: run off
  4. H


    Once in far far tama space...A Tama ship have crash landed on a Tama planet...There the Tamas on the ship climed out to look around...One stayed behind and put on a distress beacon...3 hours later he wandered out and found the whole team...dead...He camly went back to the...
  5. H


    ;) No.But I think u hav 2 put caplocks on.
  6. H

    Tama wars,A new Tama

    in the The death tama star! :mametchi: Oh wow...*looking around* :mametchi: Urrrr,lets get outa here! suddenly a group of :mimitchi:come out and arrests them.
  7. H

    Crazy Town

    then she comes back alive and says"You killed me!"and whith that she slaps him.Then he turns green and mean says"Me hate you!!!!!!!"and punches her head off.
  8. H

    Tama wars,A new Tama

    gose even faster! :huh: " Ahhhhhhh!"She runs like hell but :huh: still stares at the missile. :huh: (He think the missile is a giant galactic dimond)Says"Pretty jewl..."
  9. H

    Project Tama

    ...they mutated into...a giant green monster whith white eyes and extreamly sharp teeth.The tanks arrived.There waiting outside the house.Suddenly the wall bursts and the genetic mutants jump out.Some of the little ones have grown legs and can run fast as hell!The little genetic mutants jump...
  10. H


    The end!
  11. H

    Crazy Town

    Than he gets angry and rips his shirt off and gose all green and says"You don`t like me when I`m angry!' :rolleyes:
  12. H

    Crazy Town

    Hes not looking where his going so he crashes into a car. :rolleyes:
  13. H

    The Lord of the Tama-rings

    Frodo went up to the Dark lord and said"Your evil!" "Mhahahahaha!You are in my way silly fool!"he said.And whith that he kicked him down the steps(Just imagine there up high)He landed whith a THUMP! on his bum.He then got up and ran away.
  14. H


    But then Kelly heard the kid say"Mummy!Mummy!I want the new Robocop toy!""Okay honey"Then Kelly thought"Awwwww.They are nice!"Suddenly she felt a new emotion.Anger!She dived at the kid and grabbed him by the collar and punched him in the face and said"Die creeps!DIE!"She punched out every one in...
  15. H

    Try this for yourself...

    This bloody Mary thing.I don`t know anything about it but I do know a really creepy one!If you go into a square room whith nothing in it turn off the lights and put your self in one corner and you need three more people and put them in seprate corners as well.Now it gose counter clockwise.So...
  16. H

    Project Tama

    Dr.Gotchi is in his lab about to put Gotchi danger poison into Tama super chemical.Suddenly the door bursts open and the poison and the chemical gose flying out of his hands and gose into a clone making machine.Suddenly the clone making machine bursts as a hairy tamagotchi comes out and rips Dr...
  17. H


    Then suddenly the new farther said"We can`t keep you!We already have enogh children!""How many more children DO you have?"Kelly asks."Urrrrr.One""One?"Kelly asks.
  18. H

    Tama wars,A new Tama

    All the Mametchis and the Mimitchis ran away as the ground shook and a GIANT ANDROTCHI came out whith a Tama blaster and fired at Tina!But Luke comes in and puts on a Tama sheild to protect them from the giant Androtchi.Tina asks"Who are you?" "Tamawalker.Luke...Tamawalker." Suddenly the giant...
  19. H

    Tama wars,A new Tama

    A long time ago in a Tamagotchi toy far far away(Not really)The Mametchis and the Mimitchis are having war against each other because they look so alike.But on a far away Tamagotchi toy planet called Tamain,a new Tamagotchi child is against the Mimitchis.His name is,Luke Tamawalker.
  20. H

    Please!Please!Tell me now!

    Hi!I`m new!Anyway I want to know if a V2 and a V3 can have kids.If you know this contact Hugo!