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  1. S

    Life with Lucky

    Cool,you have v4,i cant buy it in norway:( Cool log :D
  2. S

    Tama v3 log:)

    Name:BBC Training:II Year:1 Gender:Girl Weight:16 My mammy care tama today,i came home now,and give it food... My tama is a..... Piroriroritchi. super-thomas :mimitchi:
  3. S

    Tama v3 log:)

    Name:BBC Training:II Year:0 Gender:Girl Weight:18 My tama was at pause at the school... I come home and unpaused it, i came home now,sow nothing is happen... i edit way somthing happen ;) . super-thomas PS:sorry for bad english i coming from norway and are 9 years old ^_^ , you...