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  1. J


    Blue orange and yellow that school has no style who would want to wear them colours
  2. J


    i put mine in the wash once and it survived
  3. J

    Hey. Why not?

    i like any ice cream but im not a lover of it
  4. J


    Tamagotchi's Name:chippy Tamagotchi's Age:6 Date of Birth: forgot Date of Passing:9th january 07 What Generation? 3 Your Comments:a very well looked after but had to go soon after not being able to being looked after as before. :wacko:
  5. J

    Have u ever done something like this before?

    i get lazy sometimes i will get up sometimes and read or just faint on my bead lol
  6. J


    blueTooth is where u can send things to over people without paying like sending pictures from one phone to anouther
  7. J

    how to get the chest

    well its not like once you get a tama and find out about the chest and plant and all you cant expect to have it in your shop at will come sooner or later
  8. J

    child abuse

    if parents abuse thier child whats the point in having kids its just so sad.
  9. J

    My dog called 911 O_o

    i remember when i was free years olf a dialed 999 and i did not know what that was when i was 3 and i said down the phone "fire fire" and then my mum told the opirator what happened and then it was done with
  10. J

    Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite

    i got the nintendo ds but i dont know the dif except from u get more light choice on the lite ds
  11. J

    Advice Needed - This Person Won't Stop

    well i think if u dont want to speak to her again tell her about straight on. but if thats not the point you should tell her about what you think and try to tell her dont call as much and give me some time for a while when you have enough time to zpeak to someone you should speak to her man it's...
  12. J

    Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.

    i would not play with my tama at school, school is not just a silly thing its for your life to get a job if u just play with your tama in school all the time your gonna end up with no job when your older
  13. J

    oh no

    Tamagotchi's Name:bob Tamagotchi's Age:9999 lol 6 Date of Birth:forgot Date of Passing:i dunno What Generation?3 Your Comments:he died in his sleep he was annoying any way :ph34r: :lol: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  14. J

    Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.

    good point there i did it once and the next day my mate took his in to school he was so stupid to put it on the table when the teacher was next to him lucky he did not say i had mine in on that day :P :P :P :P