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  1. S

    Help with phone version

    This is the second time I've started over. It has now been 5 days and it's still 2 years old and completely full and completely happy. I paid Verizon $3.00 for this!
  2. S

    Help with phone version

    Okay, it has now been 3 days and my tama is still 2 yrs old!
  3. S

    Help with phone version

    I've tried giving it snacks until it's at it's maximum weight (99oz) . . . it doesn't go past 99oz. Anyway, doing that didn't do anything either. :D
  4. S

    Help with phone version

    My Tamagotchi turned 2 last night and I've had it on all day today. It won't eat, it won't play, I've tried disciplining it . . . the happiness hearts are constantly full, as well as the hunger hearts. It's draining my phone battery . . . I've had the game on for 5 hours and NOTHING is happening.