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  1. M

    Miggly's Tamagotchi Log

    Hey!! Me again, I would just liked to say, my shop has a sale on today, and I bought some Grapes and something else which I cannot remember.....But I also have used some codes for the secret items including the Clone and Pen, and I have a plane ticket to....Hmmm I forget now. ;) OH!!! And...
  2. M

    Miggly's Tamagotchi Log

    Hello ! This is my first Tamagotchi Log, and I am here today, and for the rest of my Tamagotchi's life, to report what happens to my Tamagotchi, I have started a bit late and my Tamagotchi is already 3yrs old. But, moving on, I have bought my Tamagotchi, who is named Nelly, lots of food, such...