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  1. R

    australian v1 group hatching

    i have changed it now. if you go to my other group hatch thing you will find out the details. :huh:
  2. R

    V1 Group Hatching!

    ok. this group hatching will be on the 30th os spetember ALL DAY for v1's all over the world. come on, join in, you know you want to... just join up and say yes. thats all you have to do. must have joined BEFORE the day. thanx. :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :mametchi: :mametchi...
  3. R

    australian v1 group hatching

    ok. i am going to hold an AUSTRALIAN V1 group hatching as soon as my tama dies. (it should be pretty soon)i will let you know about the date and time once it does. :) my tama is one of these... thanx