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  1. S

    im getting a new tama

    If they really are your friend then they will understand that you like tama's and i think that a true friend would show feeling for tha Visit: Hope i helped!
  2. S


    I do not know how to change the time please help me i need to change the time for daylight savings and i cant because i have no idea how???? how the heck can you change it? my tamagotchi is an adult so i think i can change the time... PLEASE HELP ME...
  3. S


    please help my tamagotchi is a teen and still on the 1st generationam i looking at the wrong thing because when i go to ssee my tama stas i see that it says gen:1 does that mean its generation 1???/ please help!!!!!!1111 :ph34r: :wacko: :( :ph34r: :( :lol:
  4. S

    Code received for donated points?

    how in the world are you supposed to play tamagotchi on a DS coz everywhere i go i see something about the DS and the corner shop game What in the world does that mean? do i need a DS to play that corner shop game?
  5. S

    Please Help!

    : :ph34r: My tamagotchi is an adult and and the match maker didnt come... will the match maker coem soon? do i have to connect with a person to have the matchmaker come? how long does it take for the matchmaker to come? plase help
  6. S

    tama costumes

    my tama is an adult and i cant take the dumb costume of.... please help how do i take it off?
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    Tamagotchi's parent/grandparents

    how do i go into the next generation? im a child and still on generation 1 it says: 0 years 1G B)
  8. S

    Tamagotchi's parent/grandparents

    my tamagotchi has 5 training bars and i still cant get the password from it to vist my parents or grandparents what happened? is this normal? B)
  9. S

    Debugging a V3

    debbuging a tamagotchi isnt fun because when u debug, u cheat i dont liek cheating then theres no point of playing coz u already have everything...
  10. S

    My tama is hibernating

    Why does my tama go from very long sleep when it is sleeping i close the light and i dont put the button on pause i leave him for 3 hours then come back and he still sleeping what happening?
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    School Sucks!

    my teacher lets me play with it as long as the sound is turned off and i dont play during explanations wow thats so cool i wish i get to do that~!!
  12. S

    Tamagotchi Glitch List!

    why in th world does my tamagotchi fall asleep and then never wake up.. i leave it for 3 hours with the lights of and he still sleeps why does this happen?
  13. S

    Golden tamagotchi

    Footbal= Toy store Jacket= Clothing store Bunny slipers= Clothing store Necklace= Clothing store Banjo/guitar= Music Store Basket= Food court ( near the yellow tamagotchi selling sodas) Tie= School (on the teacher) paint brush= school hat= travel agnecy (click on the Chile map) Fan=...