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    MCR vs. FOB

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    My tama is 5 years old!

    riiiiiiiiight... Too lazy to anwer :)
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    Love Potion-

    watever she said :)
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    Is this real serious?

    I agree with Baybee
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    Shining Stars

    what? :)
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    Teachers! mainly female topic mature boys allowed

    well I do, BUT I DONT TALK ABOUT IT :)
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    Why not ask your mom about mens? :)
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    Teachers! mainly female topic mature boys allowed

    Ewewewewewe... Why are you talking about menstration and urination? :)
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    dude! Dont complain about having no breasts and period!!! Yu'll get them soon! :furawatchi:
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    MCR vs. FOB

    Rey Mysterio, Is this your poll? :furawatchi:
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    TamaChat: : Which one do

    I dont really care... As long as theres something to play with! XD :D