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  1. G

    I Got A Tarakotchi, Does this mean im a bad parent

    I don't know, you MIGHT still get a Mimitchi. I did that by accident one day to my Itchigotchi and I still got Mametchi! Just work VERY hard! And you're not necessarily bad for getting a Tarakotchi; you kept his tummy VERY happy. Next time, work on his happiness too!
  2. G

    How do I get an oniotchi???

    You need an even generation Tamagotchi to obtain an Oniontchi. And theeeen, when you have your second or fourth or sixth gen, then make sure his hearts are never full and you never discipline or praise. I usually get them by loading them up on snacks and never playing games, because that fills...
  3. G

    how do u get kutchipatchi

    Heart Needs: Happiness hearts, turning off the lights, praising your tamagotchi when she cries, and doing well in the dance game. Body Needs: Hunger hearts, healing your Tamagotchi quickly when she's sick, disciplining her at every occasion, and doing well in the Jump game.
  4. G

    Need Help, Sorry . . .

    Thank you, thank you! The only reason it makes me nervous is because I lost an Ichigotchi that way. Sooo frustrating. GAWD, Young Mimitchi is so very cute . . . *_*
  5. G

    Need Help, Sorry . . .

    Uhm . . . how do I neglect my pet without killing it? I'm really bad at this apparently; I've neglected my Kanako' for two days now and it's a Young Mimitchi (which is, by the way, the cutest thing I have ever seen). How do I neglect them without them dying altogether? Do I have to keep a...