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  1. W

    Tamago Chu !

    when will it come out in the U.S.???
  2. W


    wel i don't like mametchi AT ALL!! he's such a big SHOW OFF!!!!! i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv :angry: memetchi is the cutest mos adorable tamagotchi EVER! look at her eyes! she is WAY better than some dumb rat!!
  3. W

    Tama V5 ! :D

    the graveyard thing is a little disturbing. :angry: :wacko:
  4. W

    Tama V5 ! :D

    they should make it that tamas are in color and have a little light. for example, say ur in ur car playing a game on ur tama, ur about 2 get,.....10,000 points!!! BUT, ur mom drives through a tunnel, ya cant see ur tama cuz it's TOO DARK, you loose and ya get 400 points, BUT that can all be...
  5. W

    How many

    i have: 4 V3 1 V4 i love it! -Water Faerie
  6. W

    Animal crossing

    Lookie! i wanna wifi you! please. but tell me how 2 do it! :(
  7. W

    I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    okay, some of you remember me as: ichigo moon well, i'm back! but with a new name: Water Faerie i could never leave my precious tt! :( :o :o