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  1. E

    Have you ever bought a fake?

    I was just wondering if anyone has ever bought a fake tamagotchi, knowing it was a fake, just to see what it was like?
  2. E

    Have you ever bought a fake?

    I was just wondering if anyone has ever bought a fake tamagotchi, knowing it was a fake, just to see what it was like?
  3. E

    Have you ever bought a fake?

    I was just wondering if anyone has ever bought a fake tamagotchi, knowing it was a fake, just to see what it was like?
  4. E

    does anyone khow why?

    ?? How should I know?
  5. E


    Hi, I'm Emily Rae! I live in England in a little boarding school near the coast. I'm twelve, and I'll be thirteen in May. I hope I settle in well! :) Erm.. that's just about it, for now!