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  1. K

    Pan's Labyrinth?

    That's what I said when I got bought it. I didn't think it would be R I can see why now though.
  2. K

    Pan's Labyrinth?

    My parents also wanted to see it, so we bought it and watched it the other night XD It's not a little kidish fairytale, that's for sure. My parents don't really care what I watch.
  3. K

    Pan's Labyrinth?

    Who here has seen Pan's Labyrinth? I watched it, and loved every minute of it. It was a visual masterpiece in my opinions, not to mention the great music ^^
  4. K

    What is ur fave song rite now?

    Girl Shaped Love Drug - Gomez
  5. K


    Foxes are good to eat and their fur is awesome.
  6. K

    Do you like...

    Listen to actual bands. Here's a few that have GOOD music: Gomez, Jackson 5, Jackson Browne, Alanis Morsette, and Queen
  7. K


    Wow, you're so cool.
  8. K

    Band name!

    The names all seem so cliche. Why not just go with a simple name. Why not just go with the name of the person who started the band? >.>
  9. K


    Atleast they have some words like December in there. XD
  10. K

    What's your favorite Naruto charachter?

    Mine is none of them.
  11. K


    I am not one. ^^
  12. K

    who like runescape

    That's why you fake your age. And no, I don't like it.
  13. K

    Hannah Montana

    I choose Jackson Browne.
  14. K

    Its my birthday!

    Happy birthday.
  15. K

    Boys <33

    And this is coming from someone who is doesn't even like the opposite sex yet. And you call us immature.
  16. K

    Am I normal

    That means she's shallow. You're normal.
  17. K

    Do You Like Bratz Dolls?

    Pretty much, but of course, if they put something on the market that actually taught something to the kids, or something that the kids had to think to use.......... heaven forbid
  18. K


    Naruto is the ultimate freaky fangirl magnet. I don't like it, at all.
  19. K

    This is bad!

    I think you mean 35 feet.