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  1. B

    Young Mimitchi is sick

    Hanna was running out of ideas, so she arranged for someone to pick up YM while she fought. Hanna became weak after so much batteling, though, and had to forfit.
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    The love story

    Bliss and Adam ran for there live, but than adam felt a change. he was evolving! he evoled into a :unsure: and bliss evolved, too, into a ;) . " who commited the crime!" Adam said while they were runnung. "my dad" said bliss after a long pause. they ran and ran untill the got to a patch...
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    Young Mimitchi is sick

    Hanna had to go back because she felt bad, so she, miley ( :unsure: ) and kayla ( ;) ) went back to defeat the queen. it was a long and hard battel, but...
  4. B

    a friend, an enamy, a love, and destany...

    but the force of him hitting the knife knocked it straight through to the other shoulder... and when it got there it left a twisted, bloody gash below his neck. Balco Broke the barrier and caught kenzi, and nexes leaned over to see what had happened to her good friend. he was alive, but not...
  5. B

    one word only!

    they sproted wings...
  6. B

    Vampires + Humans = Vammams

    Cassira suddenly felt sick. She ran over to the busses and puked. "ick, i must have made myself sick crying last night. i hope this stopes. Fang: well, what is the last you heard about your father? Cassira: well, he was about 30 and healthy. I was his only Daughter, and he had no sons. I loved...
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    Vampires + Humans = Vammams

    she chocked trying to speak to fang. "that *sob sob* is my... Fang: your what? Cassira: My dad... Fang:...What!?! how? when... when did this happen? Cassira:i...i dont know... Fang: we need to figure this the morning. Cassira: *stops crying* ok...