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  1. Are you excited about

    I read a lot of Harry Potter... I already have book 7 reserved at Barnes & Noble; They'll call me when they get it in (July 21st!). ^^ I still can't believe *Spoiler* died.. J.K. Rowling is most imaginative. I wish the series didn't have to end! Atleast we still have the movies to look...
  2. Answer these quetions to know what u r!

    animal: dogs color: DARK blue song: ................ friend: Nicole subject: .............. thing to do: Get online season: Spirng sport: .............. and what would you consider you'r self: (tom boy or girl girl): Tom Boy... Duh.
  3. Guess whos posting next

    Wrong. I guess... Kiwitchi_Fan will post next, I guess. (For the posters in the future: I post once, and only once. So don't suggest me again, because I probably won't reply anymore.)
  4. Asking For Help With Homework

    Frankly, I don't think this topic is very necessary... :angry: If people feel they need to ask for homework help, sure they can get it from a willing adult! But I don't see a direct problem with asking for homework help online if the giver doesn't automatically give up the answer without...