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  1. S

    Share your dreams!

    I had this dreams in series, like movies. :huh: It was a Naruto/Pokemon crossover... The first move dream was: -Naruto(shippuden clothes) woke up in the Pokemon world. He didn't get surpriesed or anything, and Sakura was next to him, feeding Cheribu. Naruto said, "I'll go out for an walk."...
  2. S


    Well, it get's more wetter, and whenever I do my business, I not my underpants are slightly wet. D: It's not like I wet myself, but, it's just weird... I asked the nurse in the school, and she said it's just liquids for preparing for period....
  3. S


    I'm 11, and I have slight breasts. Mom says it's just fat in my chest, and no breasts. xD Never started my period though. I think I'll start it in early 7th grade, since my "down there" is producing way more then before. o_0 Is that natural?
  4. S

    How old are you?

    Meh, I'm eleven. But I really don't care, since age doesn't matter in the world, unlike some people may think so.
  5. S

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    7/10 Cute. :3
  6. S

    I need help

    I don't think they do, since mini-games would be pointless if there were such thing. :D
  7. S

    Hello! Im new at all this

    Hello! What a wonderful story you have. You should send it to "Chicken Soup for the Tamagotchi Lover". xD Anyways, welcome and hope you enjoy your stay. PS. I hope your Tama doesn't go to Tamaworld. ~Sincerely, Shiyume
  8. S

    Hello Fellow Citizens of TamaTalk!

    I'm Shiyume, meaning "Death Dream" in Japanese. My Tama is a :D who's name is Yukie. I don't bite, and 100% sure I have no fleas. I like to draw, and love my Tamagotchi to bits. I'd like to know you people(including you reader) and have fun. :D ~Sincerely, Shiyume