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  1. T

    my adult evolved twice?!

    Congragulations on getting a 'Special Character' without even trying!
  2. T

    odd tama phone!...?

    The tamagotchis are adorable when they 'shake their hips'! I love that! Mimitchi looks the best like that!
  3. T

    I can't see my mom at tamatown

    This is a known glitch. If you do have a parent (means you are on the second generation or over), your tamagotchi must have the glitch: Your tamagotchi has the problem. It may of forgot the 'data' some how. Then when you put the password in, the cwebsite can't see this problem, which means the...
  4. T


    I joined ages ago, but hardly talked on here! I will really enjoy being here. You may know me from Tama-Zone, but they changed so I decided to come here instead! I have heard that this forum is amazing, so I hope I will enjoy it!
  5. T

    lol this is funny!(about 4.5)

    Hey, look :huh: at this!