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  1. T


    Its simple the matchmaker comes when ur adult is 7yrs old and on these times: 6:59pm 10:59am 2:59pm thats the times i did when my tama was an adult! :lol: If u want ur tama to mate with a good character just simply say no to love and do it agen on the time.Don't put 11:00am for example the...
  2. T

    Tips for marrying!

    Yes a good advice but it cant get married when its only 5 i got mine married always on 7 da time could be: 6:59pm 2:59pm 10:59pm thats what i only paid alot of attention and tried those times.I once got married with a good couple Mametchi and Ponytchi. I always say yes to love sometimes just...
  3. T

    Tama Teachers

    COOL!!! thanks 4 the help soz i'm all used to my shortcut writing and i'm trying to avoid it! and... are you sure you dont do anything in preschool? ( i mean you just leave it there without looking and without playing you could get skills automatically?) because thats what i do i dont know how...
  4. T

    Tama Teachers

    Wow thanks every1!!! :D :D :D who replied oh well... what do you do when your in preschool? i just leave it there without watchin i dunno what to do!!! LOL but there's failures and achievements i didn't know how i got them ;) (the singin teacher) wat to do there? and made me wonderin...
  5. T

    Tama Teachers

    Okies thx are there diff teachers in Preskool? exept for the singin teacher? I dont do anythin there :D haha thought you do somethin but i dunno?
  6. T


    I've seen Karma points on people's profile or somethin like that. and......... i dunno what it 4? any1 know??? does it has somethin to do with tamas? post it down plz :D :D:D:D:D
  7. T

    Tama Teachers

    wow thx i never knew that! what a interestin way for it ( i cant believe i had the same teachers for the last 4 generations!)LOL!!! but what's the point for it? different learning? different skills? hope i got a good guess! :furawatchi:
  8. T

    Change Families?

    Thx that might happen cos when you hav a universal 1 i feel very weird havin a NOT SMART and overweight 1 sooo i'd quickly took better care of it! thanx 4 the help! :furawatchi:
  9. T

    Random Hatchings

    If you wanna share some information of gettin a certain or random type of tama plz post it in here i'm glad if you post somethin that really works!!! MY GOAL IS TO FIND OUT HOW TO GET A: for boys: Mametchi,Tensaitchi,Nonbiritchi,Simasimatchi for girls:Memetchi,Violetchi,Mimitchi,Makiko...
  10. T

    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    Ur never too old 4 it!!! once i was in the subway and saw a women playin a tama she looks like she was about 30yrs! well you could play it 4 as old you are ur ever too old!!! :furawatchi: hehe
  11. T

    Change Families?

    How come that my tama changed families? like my 1 was a girl that she was in a universal teen and now she's 3years old she changed dramatically into a meme family i wonder why? It was a Hawaikotchi when it was a teen... now she's a Adult 3yrs old she turned into a Ponytchi!!! It might be...
  12. T

    Tama Teachers

    How do you get a different teacher? :furawatchi: all i get is the preskool one and the turtle type! i wonder how i could get a different 1? plz help!!! :mellow:
  13. T


    Is dat 4 a V3 or V4?
  14. T

    Game help!

    Wow thanks i wonder where you got dat whole thing! thanks i appreciate it! And now i undastand it i wont need any figuring out to do!!! :angry: :wacko: :D hehe
  15. T

    Game help!

    ummm... i'm only new on playin tamas V4 and dunno any of the games :)
  16. T

    what kind of neopet do you have?!?

    I dont think da whole thing would be accurate since not much people voted... Anyways i hav a Xweetok
  17. T

    Game help!

    :huh: i dunno some of da games u play on work i tried figurin out 4 a while but NOPE i still dunno. If some1 could just post it on here i'd appreciate it! :D thanx sorry 4 my short language
  18. T

    my tama is 5 will the matchmaker come

    I think that it comes at mostly at 7yrs cos my 1 came on 7!!! ;) And... put it up on 6:59pm or 2:59pm (i think) heard it somewhere and figured it out!!! :mimitchi: hope i'd help ya!