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  1. T

    How to tell if your Tama is a healthy or unhealthy

    to Shilo_Tama, well hanatchi isnt 'unhealthy' its just that u didnt take the best care of it. btw my tama has a puff of air YAY! B)
  2. T

    Posion Warning

    i never tjought of that...
  3. T

    huh glasses on a tama?

    I know what happened: It was a Young Mametchi and then it became a Tensaitchi. Those are good so YAy!
  4. T

    Get rid of poop

    ^_^ really? how awesome! but how?
  5. T

    How to tell if your Tama is a healthy or unhealthy

    neat! how awesome! ive never got a really unhealty character. >.< ---------------------------------------- ~tamagotchirabbit~~~~~~ ~my website
  6. T

    V4.5 characters

    ok!!! i love tamagotchis! i want a v4.5 cause there new!!! :) :D I LOVE COLORS! I LOVE RAINBOWS! I LOVE ICE CREAM! I LOVE TAMAGOTCHI! I LOVE WEBSITES! I LOVE FREEDOM!