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  1. C

    Bandai Messes Up

    what kind of glitch? I got my v4 for christmas...
  2. C

    disney chanel

    hooray! Im getting dsney channel on my new tv! ps - is the suite life ending or doing another season?
  3. C

    Tama Egg Deco

    i tried the frosting thing on my pink v2 and it looks awsome! thanks! also i used a nail filer on my other white v2 and it made it more white and took away some marks
  4. C

    Tama town glitch very cool

    it dodnt work on mine
  5. C

    Generate V4 and V3

    when i do that it says ERROR. what am i doing wrong?
  6. C

    save your tamagotchi

    i dont get it
  7. C

    Zombie Tamas?

    THAT WEI YES!!!!!!!! I GOT ITCHOTCHI YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. C

    flower teacher

    what do you do when the flower teacher starts singing? it was like i was supposed to copy her or something.
  9. C

    Zombie Tamas?

    my v4 doesn't have a beep but my v3 does
  10. C

    Starting tamas... again

    ok so i have 2 v2s, 1 v3, and 1 v4. I have already played them and everything but I want to start playing with them again. should i start up all 4 again? or just some?