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  1. J

    How do I use the Makeup?

    Would you be interested in a group hatching???
  2. J

    V4.5 Group Hatching

    Hey I am looking for anyone with a V4.5 tama to a group hatching today or tomarrow. Just get back at me to arrange a specific time.   *My tama is a girl shitekitchi and is 6 yrs. old*
  3. J

    V4.5 group hatching!

    How do you do a group hatching in the computer cuz I'm able to do it right now
  4. J

    V4.5 group hatching!

    Yes I would be interested in a group hatching. My tama is a female 6 yr. old
  5. J

    How do I use the Makeup?

    Where are you sopposed to buy a mirror and how does it look like cause it never shows up in the lil shop and i went to the tamatown mall and it's not here either. HELP!
  6. J


        Hey I got a V4.5 Tamagotchi and it's a male 7 yr. old so hit me back up 4 the group hatchin :D