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  1. T


    i totally agree with tamaw/pants because i do believe in god and if ya'll don't then forget you but you'll regret it for the rest of your life
  2. T

    Favorite Version...

    i like v4.5 because it has more stuff on it and more species and careers
  3. T

    Destiny's Child vs.Fergie

    i like fergi she has a good voise and she's for real so tell me who you like best and why
  4. T


    i like all music so i would pick all of them
  5. T


    i like all music so i would pick all of them
  6. T


    yea that is true thank you for the advice i'ma stay friends for awhile
  7. T


    OK there is this guy named steven, and he is so cute and i really like him and were friends and everything but he makes me laugh and looks t me funny and everything and i'm just wondering if he likes me too or is that just how boys play,and can you give me some tips to know how a guy flirts with you
  8. T

    my adult Tamagotchi won't play games!

    thank you binary that worked really well
  9. T

    my adult Tamagotchi won't play games!

    my tamagotchi is an adult ahd she don't wanna play no games no more i've tried a thousand times but i just can't get her to play,is this how it works or what???
  10. T


    it usally come at age 6 or 7 but when it comes,you press b and then yes or no will come up and you press yes and then your tamagotchi will have a baby and then you will name it and then you wil have another generation.
  11. T

    how many days does it take

    my Tamagotchi is 2 yrs old and she's a teen how long does it take for her to become an adult,she turnd into a teen the day after it became a kid but now i want it to be a adult and fast!