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  1. T

    V4.5--Climb Trick

    Yeah. I kinda figured that out on my own :blink: good tip though.
  2. T

    Connecting on the present mode..

    I didn't know that . Thanks. Sometimes I wrap a gift for one tama to give to the other and I don't know why the other one that was supposed to recieve the gift is always the one giving a gift. Now I know. That is an awsome tip. Thanks :blink:
  3. T


    Responce to the description : calm down! ---- Good tip. I'd like to add on to that if you don't mind. ( make sure its a book you dont care about alot. )
  4. T

    V4 Gotchi Prizes!

    Any one could go to and see this for them selves. A majority of tamagotchi fans go to that site often and have probably seen it already. I do think that it is great that you are trying to help. But for reasons of duplication , this topic really isn't needed. Besides , that...
  5. T

    When the Matchmaker calls...

    very nice. soon the match maker will be coming to my join and I will try this ;)
  6. T

    Connecting Less...

    It actually does work. I should know . I've tried about every tip there is. knowing what works and what dosen't . Maybe you should reconsider your thoughts ;)
  7. T

    Tamatown Calendar.

    Cool. I didn't know that. I'll look at it before sunday ;)
  8. T

    An Error Occurred

    Ok , It works now. Maybe I just need to let it be for a while ? Thats strange O.O
  9. T

    The Future .

    That helps alot. Though , sometimes I wonder , If i'm going to die anyways , what the point of all the success that I might make ?
  10. T

    An Error Occurred

    I went to my profile , then I clicked " see all posts made by this member " and I clicked a topic I made and this appeared : I don't know what happened. What does it mean ? How can I fix it ?
  11. T

    The Future .

    Lately , I have been thinking lately about the future , and where I am headed ( Financially , Socially , Intellectually , etc. ) Some people I know are saying , " its too early to be thinking about what's ahead. Enjoy your child hood. " So , I'm thinking , Why can't we plan for the future as...