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  1. C

    Do u wear make-up?

    I love make-up. full stop. I wear make-up every single day of my, powder, blusher, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lip tint, lip gloss. Sometimes its a bit of a drag..i have to get up at 6 every morning to get ready for school but the results are worth it. Love it. Clearly a...
  2. C

    Popping Zits

    I never ever used to get spots and recently with exam stress or something i've started getting a few. I know this may sound superficial but i hate them so much!! When I get one I feel truly gross... I suppose i've got airbrushed perfect images in magazines to thank for that but still... I have...
  3. C


    Okay so I found a completely new way to hide your tama if like me, you are made to wear a uniform to school. Take your tie (bear with me lol) and tuck your tama inside the point of it-- it is held in by the piece of material inside the tie. Whenever you need to check it or whatever just pop it...
  4. C

    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    I agree with you totally johnpatrick [: I wish there wasn't such a stigma attached to tamagotchis...well maybe not stigma but there is a definite association with young children rather than teens and young adults.
  5. C

    Tama Shell ~

    My v1 was a pure white one with yellow buttons egg style. (: My v2 was bright pink with purple buttons. I miss it lots My current tama is a baby blue v4 with white clouds and white buttons. Clearly cute as hell (; Love 'em
  6. C

    Tamagotchi Target Audience

    I completely agree with the comments on this topic. I just got my v4 today and was so happy when it came in the post but my mom was like ''why did you buy a toy for children??'' It made me feel quite pathetic. None of my friends know that I like tamas and I'm sure that they would have...
  7. C

    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    I'm 16 and I just ordered my v4 tama. I used to love them when I was like 7 or 8, so I thought ''why not?'' I dont think there is anything wrong with people doing something that makes them happy, I mean its better than doing drugs or having sex with loads of guys right? Happiness is Good. :D...