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  1. A

    A question

    If it just had a kid then if it stays un-paused it will leave tommorow at midnight. :angry:
  2. A

    v4.5 and v5

    Yeah your friend's right. (Trust me I've tried to conect them. :) )
  3. A

    What The?

    Have your tamas been adults for 2 days? I not then that's the problem. :) -Anglechi
  4. A

    What age? V4.5 evolution

    I'm preety sure it turns into a oldie when it's 10.
  5. A

    Tama Love?

    Connect them again and if it works they should kiss again, then fireworks will apear and both of you will have a babytchi. -Anglechi
  6. A

    Have you had a pet on the tama V5?

    To get a pet you have to have a pure family then the pets show up randomly. -Anglechi
  7. A


    If you had the adult charater that looked all spiky with a bow then yes, that was supposed to happen. -Anglechi
  8. A


    Feed it a snack then play the game. This may have happened because your tama was at base weight. -Anglechi
  9. A

    once a tama dies...

    Your welcome. :P
  10. A

    once a tama dies...

    No, you just press the A and C buttens together and a new egg will appear. -Anglechi
  11. A

    Tamagotchi V5 in USA!

  12. A

    How fun/dumb is your reply?

    92% :huh: Do you like waffles?Yeah I like waffles. Do you like pancakes? Yeah I like pancakes. Do you like french toast? Yeah I like french toast. Do,do,do DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES?!?
  13. A

    How fun/dumb is your reply?

    89% xD My friend: The person that sunk the Titanic is in Kingdom Hearts. Me:OH MY GOD THE ICEBERG IS IN KINGDOM HEARTS?!? *True story. xD
  14. A

    How fun/dumb is your reply?

    30% Person 1: I liek mudkipz. Person2: So I herd.
  15. A

    Make your own randon song!

    Twinkle, twinkle little bar, what I wonder is a ........... cat. ----> :D
  16. A

    How fun/dumb is your reply?

    65% xD When I grow up Imma gonna make a vidio game called: "Vidio game THAT YOU PLAY."
  17. A

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    1o/1o Ish really pretty....... ;)